Recent news
- Public Service: Invited to be an Action Editor (AE) of TMLR and Area Chair (AC) of ICML’25 (Nov. 2024)
- Workshop Paper Acceptance: 4 papers have been accepted to Workshops at NeurIPS’24 (Oct. 2024)
- Shallow Diffuse: Robust and Invisible Watermarking through Low-Dimensional Subspaces in Diffusion Models (Safe Generative AI)
- Diffusion Models Learn Low-Dimensional Distributions via Subspace Clustering (Mathematics of Modern Machine Learning)
- Understanding Diffusion-based Representation Learning via Low-Dimensional Modeling (Mathematics of Modern Machine Learning)
- Unfolding Videos Dynamics via Taylor Expansion (Self-Supervised Learning – Theory and Practice)
- Paper Acceptance: 4 papers have been accepted to NeurIPS’24 (Sept. 2024)
- Exploring Low-Dimensional Subspaces in Diffusion Models for Controllable Image Editing
- Understanding Generalizability of Diffusion Models Requires Rethinking the Hidden Gaussian Structure
- Image Reconstruction Via Autoencoding Sequential Deep Image Prior
- BLAST: Block-Level Adaptive Structured Matrices for Efficient Deep Neural Network Inference
- Paper Release on diffusion models (Sept. 2024)
- Student Awards: Can Yaras has won one of the best poster awards at MMLS’24 on “Deep LoRA: Simple & Efficient Adaptation of Foundation Models to Data-Deficient Tasks”; See the news (Sept. 2024)
- Outreach: Taught a high-school summer camp “AI Magic” (Aug. 12-16th, 2024)
- Public Service: Co-organizer of Computational Imaging Workshop at IMSI, UChicago (Aug. 5-9th, 2024)
- Grant Approval: Received an NSF Medium grant on Principled Approaches to Deep Learning for Low-dimensional Structures, joint with UC Berkeley and Ohio State. (Aug. 2024)
- Public Service: Invited to be an Area Chair (AC) of ICLR’25. (Aug. 2024)
- Invited talk at Advances in Deep Learning Theory of SIAM Annual Meeting (Jul. 2024)
- Paper Acceptance: Sim2Real in Reconstructive Spectroscopy: Deep Learning with Augmented Device-Informed Data Simulation has been accepted at APL Machine Learning (Jul. 2024)
- Group Member Update: Our group member Dr. Dogyoon Song is joining UC Davis Stats as an assistant professor starting Jul. 2024.
- Group Member Update: Our group member Dr. Yutong Wang is joining Illinois Tech CS as an assistant professor starting in Aug. 2024.
- Tutorial: Gave a one-day tutorial on “Learning Deep Low-dimensional Models from High-Dimensional Data: From Theory to Practice” at CVPR 2024. (Jun. 2024)
- Public Service: Invited to be an Area Chair (AC) of NeurIPS’24. (Jun. 2024)
- Paper Acceptance: 7 papers have been accepted to ICML’24, see the news (May 2024)
- The Emergence of Reproducibility and Consistency in Diffusion Models
- Compressible Dynamics in Deep Overparameterized Low-Rank Learning & Adaptation (Oral Presentation, top 1.5%)
- Neural Collapse in Multi-label Learning with Pick-all-label Loss
- A Global Geometric Analysis of Maximal Coding Rate Reduction
- Matrix Completion with ReLU Sampling
- Generalized Neural Collapse for a Large Number of Classes
- Optimal Eye Surgeon: Finding Image Priors Through Sparse Generators at Initialization
- Paper Acceptance: Understanding and Improving Transfer Learning of Deep Models via Neural Collapse has been accepted to Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). (May 2024)
- Service: Co-organized of the Midwest Machine Learning Symposium 2024 (MMLS’24) (May 2024)
- Tutorial: “Understanding Deep Representation Learning via Neural Collapse” at ICASSP’24 with Prof. Laura Balzano, Dr. Peng Wang, and Prof. Zhihui Zhu, Slides: Lecture-1, Lecture-2 (Apr. 2024)
- Paper Release: Sim2Real in Reconstructive Spectroscopy: Deep Learning with Augmented Device-Informed Data Simulation is submitted (Mar. 2024)
- Paper Release: Decoupled Data Consistency with Diffusion Purification for Image Restoration is submitted (Mar. 2024)
- Invited Talk at UC Davis Math Seminar (Mar. 2024)
- Contributed Talk at Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop (Feb. 2024)
- Paper Acceptance: our paper Improving Efficiency of Diffusion Models via Multi-Stage Framework and Tailored Multi-Decoder Architectures has been accepted by CVPR, Project Website (Feb. 2024)
- Paper Release: Analysis of Deep Image Prior and Exploiting Self-Guidance for Image Reconstruction is submitted (Feb. 2024)
- Grant Approval: Received a gift grant from KLA for continued support. (Jan. 2024)
- Paper Acceptance: our paper Efficient Compression of Overparameterized Deep Models through Low-Dimensional Learning Dynamics has been accepted by AISTATS’24 (Jan. 2024)
- Paper Acceptance: our paper Solving Inverse Problems with Latent Diffusion Models via Hard Data Consistency has been accepted by ICLR’24 as a spotlight (Jan. 2024)
- Conference on Parsimony and Learning (CPAL) (Jan. 3rd-6th 2024)
- Invited talk at IMS Young Mathematical Scientist Forum – Applied Math, National University of Singapore (NUS) (Jan. 8th – 11th, 2024)