News 2021
- Organizer of Workshop on Seeking Low-dimensionality in Deep Neural Networks (SLowDNN), November 22-23, 2021 (website)
- Three papers have been accepted at NeurIPS’21: paper1, paper2, paper3 (Sept. 2021)
- New paper released on rank overspecified robust matrix recovery: subgradient method. (Sept. 2021)
- Given a talk at the SPS Webinar Series [slides] [video], titled “From Shallow to Deep Representation Learning in Imaging and Beyond: Global Nonconvex Theory and Algorithms” (Sept 2021)
- Gave a talk in the Workshop on Efficient Tensor Representations for Learning and Computational Complexity at IPAM UCLA, titled “Landscape Analysis for Overcomplete Tensor and Neural Collapse” [sildes] [video] (May 2021)
- New paper released on global geometric analysis for neural collapse (May. 2021)
- New paper released on convolutional normalization method for ConvNets (Mar. 2021)