News 2019-2020
- Online talk at “运筹千里”纵横论坛 organized by Operation Research Society of China (Dec. 2nd, 2020) [Link]
- Co-organizing a workshop on “Seeking Low-dimensionality in Deep Neural Networks (SLowDNN)“, Nov. 23rd – Nov. 24th. (Nov. 2020)
- Elected as a member of the Computational Imaging (CI) TC for 2021-2023. (Nov. 2020)
- Our paper has been accepted at NeurIPS’20 as spotlight (top 4%), which characterizes implicit bias with discrepant learning rates and builds connections between over-parameterization, RPCA, and deep neural networks (Sept. 2020)
- Recognized as one of the best reviewers (top 33%) at ICML’20 (Sept. 2020)
- Our grant proposal (joint with PI Carlos Fernandez-Granda) ‘‘Mathematical Analysis of Super-resolution via Nonconvex Optimization and Machine Learning’’ has been awarded by NSF DMS (Aug. 2020)
- Two review papers on nonconvex optimization are released: Paper 1, Paper 2 (Jul. 2020)
- Given a talk at TBSI-WOLT about my recent work on nonconvex optimization for learning low-complexity models: slides (Jun. 2020)
- Two papers (Paper 1, Paper 2) have been accepted at ICLR’20, with one oral presentation (top 1.85%) (Dec. 2019)
- One paper is released, provides (first) explicit convergence rate guarantees for a family of Riemannian subgradient methods for optimizing nonconvex nonsmooth functions over then Stiefel manifold. (Nov. 2019)
- One paper has been accepted at NeurIPS’19 as spotlight (top 3%) (Sept. 2019)
- Recognized as one of the best reviewers at NeurIPS’19, and invited as a mentor to the first new in ML workshop at NeurIPS’19. (Sept. 2019)