News 2022
- New paper released: we studied the transferability of deep representation via neural collapse, and proposed efficient fine-tuning methods for vision problems. (Dec. 2202)
- My postdoc Yutong Wang received a highly competitive Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship, congrats Yutong! (Dec. 2022)
- Received a gift grant from the KLA Corporation, and will be collaborating on unsupervised deep learning. (Dec. 2022)
- New paper on local linear convergence analysis of neural collapse with unconstrained features (Dec. 2022)
- Presented two papers at NeurIPS’22, and one paper at the OPT Workshop (Nov. 2022)
- One paper has been accepted for EMNLP (joint work with Hongyuan Mei‘s group at TTIC), and one paper has been accepted by Nano Letters (joint work with Pei-Cheng Ku‘s group) (Oct. 2022).
- Two papers on theoretical studies of neural collapse have been accepted for NeurIPS’22, paper1, paper2 (Sept 2022)
- Received a PODS grant from MIDAS for supporting our research on “Machine Learning Guided Co-design for Reconstructive Spectroscopy”, joint with Pei-Cheng Ku (Jul. 2022).
- Received a three-year grant from ONR for supporting our research on deep representation learning (Jun. 2022).
- Received a new three-year NSF CISE medium grant in collaboration with MSU (1.2M in total), for supporting our research on unsupervised deep learning (Jun. 2022).
- Taught a short course at ICASSP’22, see the website for more details. (May 2022)
- Two papers have been accepted for ICML’22: paper1, paper2 (May 2022).
- Received this year’s NSF Career Award, thanks NSF! See the news here and here. (Mar. 2022)
- Two new papers are released on robust deep network training and neural collapse for MSE: paper1, paper2. (Mar. 2022)
- Will be teaching a short educational course in ICASSP’22, titled “Low-Dimensional Models for High-Dimensional Data: From Linear to Nonlinear, Convex to Nonconvex, and Shallow to Deep” in May 2022, stay tuned. (Feb. 2022)